Non-Candy Treats for Valentine’s Day

Want to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your little ones but don’t want to pump them full of sugar? Here are a few ways to make things special without candy, chocolate or guilt!


Anything can be made heart-shaped, from toast, pancakes, or even eggs-in-hole!

Heart-Shaped Egg-in-Hole from Whole Foods


A heart-shaped cookie cutter makes things easy, but if you don’t have one and don’t trust your artistic skills with a knife, you can try something simpler. Red apples and strawberries lend themselves to heart-shaped treats very easily. For strawberries, simply cut them in half from top to bottom and make a little notch in the top center to form a heart. Or you can simply trace a heart into some peanut butter spread on toast. Even the simplest gesture can send a message of love!

Treats for School

Forget the candy! There are many individually wrapped treats like goldfish crackers, yogurt raisins, and pretzels, or you can opt for something even healthier like a tangerine. Little trinkets and toys can be subbed out for edibles, like the kind you’d pass out in a kids’ party favor bag. Stickers, mini-notebooks, Play-doh, crayons and stamps are also a kid crowd pleaser.

Dinner Time

Maybe a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant isn’t in the works for you this year, but you can use the opportunity to create a family memory. Dine by candlelight, make heart-shaped pizzas, or simply take the time to sit at the dinner table together if it’s not in your usual routine.

The Best Gift of All

The best gift of all isn’t sugar sweet. Your love and attention will make the day stand out more than a heart-shaped donut or box of chocolates. Simply taking a few mindful moments to express your heartfelt love to your child will make Valentine’s Day a special event.


What are your favorite non-sugar treats?




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